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Податотека:Food production per capita.svg

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Од Википедија — слободната енциклопедија

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English: Relative global per-capita food production, since 1961, scaled so that the 2004-2006 period is 100. Data from Food and Agriculture Organization; see details below.
Извор сопствено дело
Автор Grendelkhan
Други верзии File:Food production per capita 1961-2005.png
SVG разработка
SVG-кодот е исправен.
Оваа векторска слика е изработена со Gnuplot

Source code


# Data source is http://faostat3.fao.org/download/Q/QI/E
# Region "World + (Total)"
# Element "Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)"
# Items Aggregated "Food (PIN) + (Total)"
# all years selected, export as CSV.

set terminal svg enhanced size 800 800 fname "Times" fsize 24
set output "Food production per capita.svg"

set datafile separator ","
set key autotitle columnhead
set yrange [0:]
unset key

set title "Food production per capita\n{/*.75 (2004-2006 = 100)}"

plot 'food-production.csv' using 9:10 with lines lw 2

The CSV used to generate the current version:

Domain Code,Domain,AreaCode,AreaName,ElementCode,ElementName,ItemCode,ItemName,Year,Value,Flag,FlagD
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1961","75.41","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1962","76.21","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1963","76.82","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1964","77.92","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1965","77.89","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1966","79.35","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1967","80.65","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1968","81.38","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1969","80.07","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1970","81.01","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1971","81.40","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1972","79.39","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1973","82.20","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1974","81.23","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1975","81.54","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1976","82.09","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1977","82.48","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1978","84.78","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1979","84.49","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1980","83.26","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1981","84.29","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1982","85.74","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1983","84.53","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1984","87.19","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1985","87.07","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1986","87.35","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1987","86.52","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1988","85.87","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1989","87.50","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1990","88.19","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1991","86.92","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1992","87.80","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1993","87.29","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1994","88.36","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1995","88.74","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1996","91.43","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1997","91.55","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1998","92.02","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","1999","93.80","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2000","94.65","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2001","94.76","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2002","94.84","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2003","96.54","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2004","99.19","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2005","99.98","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2006","100.83","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2007","102.99","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2008","105.90","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2009","105.54","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2010","106.78","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2011","109.08","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2012","108.96","","Official data"
"QI","Production Indices","5000","World","434","Gross per capita Production Index Number (2004-2006 = 100)","2054","Food (PIN)","2013","111.33","","Official data"

FAOSTAT Date: Fri Aug 05 09:22:45 CEST 2016


Јас, праводржецот на ова дело, со ова го објавувам истото под следнава лиценца:
w:mk:Криејтив комонс
наведи извор сподели под исти услови
  • да споделите – да го умножувате, распространувате и емитувате делото
  • да преработувате – да преработувате
Под следните услови:
  • наведи извор – Ќе мора да дадете прикладен припис, да ставите врска до лиценцата и да укажете дали има направено промени. Ова може да биде направено на било кој разумен начин, но без да оддава впечаток дека лиценцодавецот стои зад Вас и Вашата употреба.
  • сподели под исти услови – Ако го измените или преобразите делото, или пак ако основате друго дело на него, добиеното дело (придонесот) морате да го распространувате (објавувате) само под истата или складна лиценца на изворната.


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5 август 2016

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тековна07:44, 6 август 2016Минијатура на верзијата од 07:44, 6 август 2016800 × 800 (7 КБ)GrendelkhanUser created page with UploadWizard

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